What I have learned so far…

What I have learned so far…

11988250_1149612298523299_8614681900821633590_nAfter September ended school started to pick up and we had multiple assignments due at the same time as research papers, midterms to study for, group projects, and presentations. This is where it was hard to get out of that chaotic mess and jumbled thinking, worried that I was unable to finish anything.

Classes kept getting pushed back, my planner became a scratched out nightmare and new syllabi were being handed out almost every week. After struggling to get through the month and see the not-so-great grades I received because of my failed attempt of multi-tasking everything and not thinking clearly I decided things could go either two ways: I stay in this pattern of trying to keep up and messing up work in the beginning therefore having to rush to complete the project and/or paper, or I could sit down and write out everything that needs to be done in order of priority and time. I went with the last choice and with it have made small changes to my day so I do not get stuck in that frustrating mess again.

To prevent from stressing out too much and overthinking, I have started to think of positive ways to look at what I have done and am doing so that my mindset is not in a bad place to begin before I start working. I set aside time for relaxation because there will always be work that needs to be done and I cannot keep pushing my life back for it. One of my favorite methods of keeping me on track and happy at the same time is to set up a reward system for each day. I set up a column of what absolutely needs to be done that day and below that a couple things that would be beneficial if I finish, but it is ok if I do not. Next to it, I write in another column what I am allowed to do if I finish one task, two tasks and so on, with each reward getting greater for every task completed. So, not only do I feel accomplished for finishing something, but I get to hold on to that feeling longer knowing I “earned” it rather than beating myself up for not completing a task, which will only domino effect to the other assignments that need to get done.

I am also a huge list person. I love planners, but there is something much more satisfying with having a list in front of you with what needs to be done that week and any events that need to be attended. One way I tackle lists is to not have it go in order of what needs to be done first. I scramble everything around so that it does not resemble my week and I circle the immediate “must-dos.” Once each task is completed I cross it off with highlighter and after all the circled tasks are completed then I go on to the next round.

Remember, we only have until December left to complete the Fall semester and all of our final projects are due. It will get a lot more intense and keeping track of your progress and remembering to add in some fun for yourself here and there will greatly help you to stay motivated and keep on keeping on.

Shannon Connor

2 Replies to “What I have learned so far…”

    1. It is definitely helpful and motivating to see the progress happening in front of you where you can keep track of it!