A Calming Presence at Newhouse

A Calming Presence at Newhouse

As a student at Newhouse you will find that you may have a spot that you go to within the three buildings to either escape or just to find hope when having bad day. I never really had a spot as I kept my time brief in Newhouse on certain days. However, when thinking of my experience so far there is one place, I do wish that I had spent more time at. It is on the first floor of Newhouse 3.

On that floor when walking in off the street there is a wall that is filled with quotes from alums. The quotes run across these thin screens each with quotes of alums praising the school. The reason why I wish I spent more time there is because while their experiences may have been different than mine there is a connection there. And sometimes I feel that when you need to feel inspired and you have no one around to call on it could be reading a quote from someone else talking about their experience to remind you why you’re there because it’s a reminder of the fact that you and this alum have a commonality and suddenly you may feel less alone.

The first time I came to Newhouse, it was the first time I had seen something like that and it impressed me because it was different. Yes, a lot of people love their school regardless of whatever the college may be, but I don’t know of too many that have it displayed like that. I think of that wall as a place of virtual wisdom. Go there and read what others have had to say and it might be something that you read that helps you figure out a solution to your problem.

When I think of the times in which I was having a bad day or series of bad days, I think spending time there just reading the quotes would have helped. I am a big fan of a good quote. It speaks to the soul when you’re in the right place mentally and spiritually to hear it. And my time at Newhouse has been spiritual. It has helped me to realize what I do and do not want to do. A wall of quotes to go to read and feel rejuvenated would have helped me when I felt like throwing in the towel. It may have not only brightened my day but it would have been another reminder that I am in good company of others that had good and bad days while at Newhouse. I like to think that it made them better people and in turn, better journalists.

So, I encourage you when it’s accessible again and you’re having a bad day or even a good one to check it out. If you’re in between classes and you need to be quiet, but you don’t want to leave the building, it is a good place to go.  Find your quote and see if it makes your day just a little bit better.

Camille Daniels