Entry Level Course Leads to the Fashion World

Entry Level Course Leads to the Fashion World

屏幕快照 2015-01-31 下午3.26.30

Fashion Advertising & Promotion, a course taught by Dr. Carla V. Lloyd, is open to every student who is interested in the fashion and beauty industry. During the course, students will learn how to be more aware of the many types, practices and procedures of Fashion Marketing Communications and the new directions in which they are heading due to technology. Also, visual language such as design, photography, brand elements and color will be taught and used to effectively express fashion advertising. During the courses, students will apply a variety of marketing research skills to collect and analyze information that will lead to informed decision-making about fashion consumers and advertising aimed toward them.

One common characteristic that binds people who enjoy fashion is that they all have an opinion regarding what constitutes fashion. – Marianne c. Bickle

The midterm project is one of the most exciting parts of the course. Participants have the chance to work with an actual fashion photographer to extend an existing fashion. We will be working with Dr. Lawrence Mason’s Fashion Portraiture class to complete this project also. Participants have the right to make all decisions, such as models, clothing, shooting location and concept. This project will be a preparation for a major public exhibition in the Newhouse 1 lobby for the annual Newhouse Fashion Show in April 10th.

Fashion & Beauty Communication Milestone is a course open to Newhouse and Visual and Performing Arts students. The School Daze: Fashion and Education will be held on Friday, April 10th at 7pm in the Herg. Each year, Fashion & Beauty Communication Milestone fashion show takes on a critical issue being discussed in the mass media. Education will be explored with the fashion show this year. There are eight segments the audience can use to discover the American educational system using clothing and accessories. If you’re interested in learning about fashion, design and their inner workings, now is the time to start!

Ruochen Shi
Qualified Sleeper