Advertising major? Join TNH!

Advertising major? Join TNH!

Congratulations to the newly admitted students! It is an incredible feeling to be a part of not only one of the best communications schools in the country, but a top 50 school as well. I hope you find your acceptance process to be as seamless as possible.

When I was first admitted to Newhouse I did not have any advertising related experience. Since the graduate program doesn’t leave too much room for interning (it is possible, but check with the department head first), I needed something that would keep me practicing the skills learned in the program and TNH, Newhouse’s in-house agency, is doing just that.

The application process is not long and you can essentially tailor your experience as much as you want. I didn’t participate during the fall semester because I was still figuring out what I wanted to do (though I encourage you to apply even if you are unaware because it gives you that much more experience ahead of time and an earlier idea of your feelings toward the department you chose). Once you know what role you’re playing within the agency, you are sent a list of local businesses and their objectives and from there you pick your top 3. A typical team is set up with a few strategists and creatives and an account manager who acts as the liaison between the client and the team’s progress. Your team meets semi-frequently to check in with each other on the progress of the account and you will make on-site visits to the business you are given.

Currently, I am working on the Finger Lakes School of Massage account to help raise awareness for the school, increase admission and increase social media presence. We have already visited the school once after conducting some preliminary research and toured the school located in Ithaca (I recommend visiting Ithaca for some great scenery). Next on our list is to prepare our focus groups and how that will be laid out for our next visit coming up.

While there are a few ways you can add advertising experience to your time at Newhouse, this is a great opportunity to take on and helps to give you a better sense of what will be expected of you when you leave Syracuse University. If you have any questions regarding the organization you can find them on Facebook here  .

Shannon Connor