It is the Small Things
As a PHD student at Newhouse, time is precious to me. I have hours of reading every week and some of those readings come from sources found in hard copy at the library. Since SU has a large library it can be difficult to find that source quickly and having to spend extra time looking for a book is time that should be spent studying.
In my first trip to the library I was having problems finding a book and noticed this sign:

I figured I would give it a try and texted the number. Assuming it would go to a cell phone that is checked once an hour I took a seat and settled in for a wait. Amazingly, in less than 30 seconds they responded and within 5 minutes someone from the help desk showed up and found the book for me and I was on my way.
This is customer service at it’s finest and just another reason I am glad I picked SU for my masters and PHD.
I wrote more about this on my business blog.