A Year In Review: Handling 2017 And How Syracuse Has Shaped Me
It’s 7:45 p.m. on a chilly Spanish night while I’m having some coffee accompanied by a Mallorca in a cozy little pastry shop in the outskirts of Madrid. I’m reflecting on how the last six months have changed me as a person and a professional. So much has happened in such a short time that I almost feel like a whole new person. I mean, deep down I’m still the same girl with stars in her eyes and dreams in her head, but now there’s just so much more in there (experiences, heartbreak, achievements, hardships) that it feels like I’m someone else.
I finished my Bachelor’s and started grad school, completed boot camp and the first semester. During this time I’ve become skilled in something I loved but was always aware of how terrible I was at (I can honestly say that I’m living proof that SU’s Audio Arts faculty can teach anyone who wants to and is willing to learn), and I’ve worked with some incredibly talented people throughout the whole process. My home was one of many destroyed by a natural disaster this year and is currently going through a slow but steady recovery process. Thanks to the initiative and support of my peers I was able to add my own little grain of salt by helping to organize and throw a benefit concert for hurricane relief.

I’m learning a lot while working at a place I love, under the wing of someone whosse job is exactly what I want to do with my career once I graduate. I still have some more time to enjoy my very first international trip, something I’ve dreamt of doing my entire life, and yet I still get to go home after spending Christmas in a foreign country, spend two major holidays at home (New Years and Three Kings Day, perhaps more on that one in a later post) and make it to NYC just in time for the winter Benchmark trip.
I feel like 2017 has left me with enough experiences to last me a lifetime, some good, some not so much, but certainly more to come. I’m looking forward to my classes in the spring semester, I’ll be taking a Sound for Picture class, the second part of Recording Studio Management, along with Live Sound and Concert Recording, Finally starting my capstone in Advanced Audio, as well as a six week podcast workshop and my last semester of the Soyars Leadership Lecture series, which promises to bring to the stage some incredible guest speakers that are on the top of their fields within the music industry!
I’m sure 2018 will bring some new adventures and new challenges, but for the time being, I’ll keep on enjoying what’s left of 2017 and look forward to a bright future.
Happy Holidays!