Considerations For When You’re Finding A Job
Spring is coming. The day of graduation is approaching. Have you joined all other job-seekers? Or already found your ideal job? If you’re still on your way to finding a job, the following things which are mentioned by alumni and other professionals may help you:
First, ask for an information session when you find alumni in your dream company. Caitlin MacSeamus, an alumna working as a designer, told me that most people are willing to hold information sessions for students. An info session won’t be too long, but you can get almost all you want to know from that. Rather than spending several hours searching for the information about your dream company and your dream job, an info session is a more effective way for us to know a company in the shortest time.
Second, always be nice to people. It’s better to make a friend than an enemy. The world is small. You never know who can help you in the future. If you are nice to others, others will be nice to you. If you help others, they may help you back. For example, maybe offering a job in return for your help. Moreover, being nice can’t hurt anything. Even if nothing is changed and nothing is solved, at least you know you didn’t make it worse. If the seed of kindness has been planted, who knows if it will grow into a tree?
Third, find what fits you best. When I am talking about the “best”, I am talking to those who have several options. So this tip may be the most useless one, but I still want to mention it here because it is the most important one in some way. For me, I had four internships during my undergraduate years, which means I had four bosses and was in four companies. I can definitely tell the differences among the four companies and tell which one fits me best. Even though the best one is not a big company, I’ll still go for it. Let’s imagine what may happen if you chose a company which you don’t really like and doesn’t fit you: you would have conflicts with your boss, your work wouldn’t be appreciated, your efforts wouldn’t be valued, and then you would like to quit ASAP. A tragedy, right? But if you randomly choose a company or just want to get a job for making a living, that’s your story. Thus, even though you don’t have a lot of ideal offers now, do remember to talk with people in that company, go to their office, feel the atmosphere, then compare different companies and finally make the decision. Working shouldn’t be a torture which just forces you to do what you don’t want to do. It should push you to learn something new and help you to gain a sense of achievement. A company shouldn’t be a jail that limits your talent and imagination. It should be your home and let you feel that you’re supported by others and able to be inspired by others. Bosses shouldn’t be the empire that commands you to do things regardless of your input. They should be the ones who are always willing to listen to you, help you and guide you.
I am still on the way to finding a job. I hope everyone can get a dream offer.