An Ode to the Career Development Center
After partaking in Newhouse orientation, I took it upon myself to get acquainted with the impactful women in the Career Development Center (CDC). Their warm welcome and eagerness to assist truly set the tone for my relationship with them. I never felt like I was pestering them or simply a name on a list. Even if one did not know my name —- they knew my face, major and/or professional interests. Compared to my experiences at previous institutions, I’ve never felt as welcomed, encouraged or nurtured.
After my initial sit-down with the Assistant Director, Bridgette Lichtinger, I told her, “before I graduate from Newhouse you will know my name.”
She replied, “you bet.”
The CDC provides many curated events and content for both undergraduate and graduate students in mind. They include:
-Year-long Job Hunt Sessions
-Resume Drop-Ins
-Internship Lock-ins
-Access to Handshake (offered to all SU students)
-Access to the Newhouse Network
-Career fair prep
-Scheduled Quick Counsel (drop-in without an appointment)
-Weekly emails (consisting of job/internship opportunities, scholarships, FAQ’s, networking/professional development events)
I can recall a time I did not know how to reply to an email from an internship offer. Feeling flustered I popped into the CDC and asked for help. In a blink of an eye, I was drafting up a response in their lobby with a staff member.
The experience at Newhouse is what you make it. The abundant resources the CDC offers is unmatched. From one encounter, you can tell they genuinely care about your professional well-being and growth. The CDC has played a pivotal role in my matriculation at Syracuse University. I am eternally grateful for the love, wisdom and constructive criticism they’ve all poured into me. I’ve cried, vented and rejoiced in their office. Each experience has made me stronger personally and professionally and for that, I say thank you!
The Tina Press & David Rubin Career Development Center has been helping students and alumni reach their employment goals since 1991. For more information visit the website or contact one of the phenomenal staff members.

Director of the Career Development Center, Kelly Barnett.