The Consolidation of Journalism
By: Camille Daniels
I think depending on how exposed you already are to journalism determines what you may know in terms of general knowledge about it and the evolution in which it has taken. For a long time, the profession had enough money coming in and technology was not as advanced as it is now where you didn’t have to know more than say just how to report. Now things have changed drastically to where technology is a key factor in how it is produced and shared.
As someone studying in the Magazine, Newspaper and Online graduate program I am constantly either being reminded of how much I need to know all kinds of ways to tell a story. At first and sometimes even know I get very nervous and freak out by all the technology because it is so new to me that I am hesitant at first as to how to use it and whether or not I really do need to know it. I’ll be honest and say I just want to learn how to write, to get better at being a reporter and leave the things beyond how to take a good picture to the techies of the world. But the truth is, I can’t. This is not how the world of journalism on a real professional level works anymore. Technology is part of all our lives, and it is especially true in journalism because many newsrooms have either gone digital or they simply cut out departments leaving the reporter to become a one-person band. You need to know how to film a story, take photos, ask the right questions and yes how to report or write that story with minutes to spare sometimes.
It’s not easy, it’s not meant to be easy, but it is meant to test you so that way you know what it takes to make a story run no matter what department would normally work on it. It’s also great to have these skills because it may come a point where maybe you’re out of a job due to financial reasons and you’re on your own. You’ve now become a entrepreneur by becoming a freelancer and are able to bargain your wages with publications needing someone to fill in from time to time. And if you’ve ever wanted to be your own boss you can because you’ve gained the skills and contacts to do so.
Being part of a consolidated major isn’t always fun but the benefits are endless and it definitely forces you to both get out of your comfort zone while also causing you to remember why it is important to constantly educate yourself on the latest in technology and the power of things like social media. Since people get their news from all over it helps to know where so that users know the difference between a clickbait link and a dependable reporter’s link.
The one thing that it also represents is just how many people have lost a job because of the shift in technology and lack of funding. As beneficial as the skills are that should not be forgotten because just as talented as the consolidated reporter is so is the person that may now have lost their job. Good journalism should always be supported not only for telling the truth but because it’s a livelihood for many people.