Life After Class: Thinking about It
In the beginning of my time at Newhouse it was at first hard to think about anything other than the work in front of me. Somewhere between the end of the fall semester and the beginning of the spring the reality that soon it would be time to leave. Now, the time is almost here, and I am impressed by how quickly time has gone by. Myself and my fellow classmates have just gotten here and now it is almost time to go.
Thinking about what comes next went from imagining and beginning to applying to various internships and fellowships to now an unexpected pause. However, as I think about it, as I think about my future now, I feel okay. It is simply because I will be an alum of Newhouse but because this is the part where positive thinking or faith also must play a role. I am choosing to believe that the experiences and the lessons and everything that I’ve been through while at Newhouse will only make things better for myself and those around me because I was willing to give it a shot and go for it.
Whenever I think about Newhouse all I see when I think about it is two words, a chance. There is a chance of going after the things I am interested now because I was willing to come here. I think that is all one can feel when thinking about life after class is that now is the time to trust, believe and be open to whatever comes next. I know, I know, I sound like I have watched one too many hopeful movies but that is honestly not it.
I base this all on what and whom I have been exposed too while I have been here. It brings me comfort to know that I have been able to do this. And I feel that once you know or once you have been reminded or introduced to what you are capable of it changes your outlook. My time at Newhouse has done exactly that, it was both a reminder and introduction. I sense it is like that for any student but especially a graduate student because hopefully by the time you become a graduate student you are able to articulate things about yourself that maybe you could not as a freshman in college.
I think sometimes an experience like this is needed to teach you about life or to relearn something you missed. Life after classes are over is a little bit clearer because Newhouse stretches you in a way that I do not think you get in too many places. And if you’re someone looking to be stretched or recognize that being stretched is good even if you cannot stand it all the time than Newhouse is definitely someplace you want to go because stretching is the unofficial middle name.
I think life after all these classes is an open book because this is where we are now as people living currently. The good news is Newhouse provides you with the tools and opportunities to decide what that means for you personally. You can have a more active say as to what happens after you complete your last course and walk into the world in peace. You go into it, with a clearer understanding as to who you are, whose you are, and what you are capable of. I do not think you can ask for more than that.