Why We Chose Newhouse and a Little Advice to Incoming Students
I asked some of the current Newhouse students why they chose Newhouse and asked a few of them to give a little advice to incoming students. The answers did not disappoint.
Stephanie Wong – M.A. Arts Journalism 2016
Why did you pick Newhouse?
Newhouse was my top choice for the Goldring Arts Journalism program. I felt like I didn’t learn all that I needed to from my undergraduate journalism degree, and that Newhouse would help me improve as a digital-first journalist.
Has it lived up to your expectations so far?
I was sad to hear I wouldn’t be able to take any of the Fashion & Beauty Communications Milestone classes since those are reserved for undergraduates, however I’ve been satisfied so far. The Newhouse Network has been a beneficial tool and the professors here are more than helpful. I didn’t realize the Newhouse name held such deep roots and carries the utmost respect in the media industry. At Newhouse, I’m provided with more tools and opportunities than I was given at my undergraduate institution.
Cedric Brown – M.S. Public Relations 2016
Why did you pick Newhouse?
Top program which only takes a year to complete; diversity within the student body; was offered a scholarship
Has it lived up to your expectations so far?
[Cedric’s really into brevity, lol]
Tanya Cuadra – M.A. Television, Radio & Film 2016
Why did you pick Newhouse?
I chose Newhouse because I wanted to be a part of a community that extends further than a city or a school. I was told the connections made because of Newhouse would help me not only land my dream job in entertainment but also to be a cushion to me when I jump into a city where I know no one.
Has it lived up to your expectations so far?
Although I have yet to get to Los Angeles to pursue a career in film I have already felt the benefits of having Newhouse on my side. I have made valuable connections to help guide me through school and the classes I should be focusing on taking that will help market me as a potential employee. When I went to visit LA for a week these connections made time to meet me for coffee or to show me around their work place and make me feel very welcome to move to the other side of the country. Along with these connections around the country and the world, I have found valuable mentors within the walls of the school as well. These mentors have also taught me what it is like to be a professional in the field by giving me work that equates to actually being in the field. Newhouse has been the perfect stepping stone for entering the “real world.”
Emilee Smith – M.S. Public Relations 2016
Why did you pick Newhouse?
I picked Newhouse because I am from the area and knew it was a great school. After visiting during a preview day, I knew that I wanted to come here and it was the only school I applied to.
Has it lived up to your expectations so far?
In many ways it has lived up to expectation. I already feel much more prepared for my future career and have gained a lot of valuable experiences. I will be sad to leave!
Briana Rinaldo – M.S. Public Relations
Why did you pick Newhouse?
I chose Newhouse because I am a Syracuse alum and Newhouse has one of the best professional reputations at Syracuse University. I knew the school well from undergrad and knew how well its graduates do in the real world. I also knew the curriculum would correspond really well with my international relations background and welcome my blending of the two.
Has it lived up to your expectations so far?
Newhouse has lived up to my expectations because, as I said, I knew what to expect!
Gerard McTigue – M.S. Public Relations 2016
Why did you pick Newhouse?
I chose Newhouse for the respect individuals have for the institution in both higher education and business. I have heard from people across the country and abroad how highly educators and professionals think of Newhouse and that got my attention. Newhouse’s ability to educate and support future leaders in their respective fields is commended by all and now, as a graduate student at the Newhouse School, I understand why.
Has it lived up to your expectations so far?
Like any experience, there will be things we love and others we may dislike or not understand. Overall, my experience at Newhouse has been a truly fulfilling one. I have learned a great deal and experienced even more. Though there are certain things I might change, I recognize it is up to me to communicate that to the appropriate people at Newhouse if I feel something needs to be addressed. I have done exactly that and feel sufficiently heard by the institution thus far.
Siddarth Bahl – J.D. & M.S. Public Relations 2016
Why did you pick Newhouse?
I picked Newhouse because of the prestige associated with a Newhouse degree, the opportunity to learn from some of the most talented minds in the business, and the opportunity to meet others who share my passion for public relations.
Has it lived up to your expectations so far?
The Newhouse experience has undoubtedly surpassed my expectations.
Victoria Luyckx – M.S. New Media Management 2016
Why did you pick Newhouse?
I chose Newhouse not only because of the prestigious reputation of the school, but because of the strong alumni network that truly want to help you pursue your career goals. I have had the pleasure of working with intelligent colleagues, professors, and advisors that have been nothing but helpful and encouraging as I work through my courses and look for future employment opportunities.
What’s one piece of advice you have for incoming students?
One piece of advice I have for incoming students is to never stop yearning to learn more, and never stop asking questions. This year will be the quickest year of your life, and it is your job to take advantage of every single opportunity that comes your way. You can never know enough about your prospective field, so keep asking why, and never undermine your capabilities.
Go Orange!
Tim Hansen – M.A. Magazine, Newspaper & Online Journalism 2016
Why did you pick Newhouse?
I chose Newhouse to advance my writing and reporting skills and also because of Syracuse University’s status as a Yellow Ribbon school for veterans.
What’s one piece of advice you have for incoming students?
The year will go by in a flash and so time management is crucial. I also recommend taking one of the code writing courses offered at Newhouse in addition to the newspaper and magazine classes. Using the left and right sides of the brain is a great exercise.
Laura Morelliti – M.A. Photography 2016
Why did you pick Newhouse?
I chose Newhouse because I was interested in a Master’s program in photography. Newhouse’s Multimedia Photography & Design Department’s multi-nature was appealing to me. A focus on journalism and communications versus fine art, but an openness to illustration photography were all key components. I also live with my parents in Manlius (a suburb of Syracuse) so I saved a lot on housing and food.
What’s one piece of advice you have for incoming students?
I would remind students that the inner city of Syracuse isn’t the safest. That being said, there are neighborhoods and pockets of inspiration and progress. Syracuse has the potential to grow again into an eclectic small city with city perks but small town charm. Help Syracuse get back on its feet while you’re a student here! Use your dollars locally. Get to know the community and the stories of the resilient down to earth people here. The university should do more to help the community but it doesn’t. There are many dynamics in Syracuse which mirror the dynamics of our country. Whether it be economics, investment, social issues, environmental issues, political issues, architectural issues, art, or science, there are these types of things happening in Syracuse! Find them! Find the topics that interest you and use your privilege of higher education to help the community. In return, you’ll have a sense of place and community in the town you are learning and living in for 2-4 years. Syracuse is small enough that you can make connections quickly and people will remember you. Try to use your skills to help the locals. Also, NYC isn’t that far away! Check it out some weekend.
Delisa Morris – J. D. & M. S. Public Relations 2016
Why did you pick Newhouse?
During my senior year in undergrad, I was torn between going straight to law school or getting my master’s in communication. Being able to come to Newhouse WHILE I was in law school really sold me. Newhouse’s reputation is surpassed by none, and its faculty and my classmates are all amazingly talented and intelligent.
What’s one piece of advice you have for incoming students?
Be prepared for whatever, whenever! There are always new opportunities springing up out of nowhere, don’t be caught without a resume, a portfolio and your references in order. Also get out there and network, talk to people, volunteer and really throw yourself into this experience, you will be so glad you did.

One Reply to “Why We Chose Newhouse and a Little Advice to Incoming Students”
Great responses and it was a pleasure writing for the Newhouse Insider. Good luck to everyone, we will all go on to do amazing things!