To the Newhouse Master’s Class of 2018
You’re about to begin what will be one of the most memorable years of your life. It’s a bold statement — but it’s true. I’ve spoken with alumni who graduated a few years ago, but still have intense and fond memories of their year at Newhouse. I’ve had the pleasure and privilege of spending the last year as part of the Newhouse Advertising program which has been quite a journey so far and I look forward to finishing strong. As you begin your journey, here’s what you should know.
- Have a support system. Graduate school can be fun, but this is a year-long program so it will be demanding. There will be difficult days and when that happens you need your squad. You need to make sure that these people will understand and support you throughout this process. They could be family or they may be friends you make here at Newhouse. When you cross that finish line, these will be the people who helped you get there.
- Talk to your professors… or if you have no desire to succeed, don’t. Most of the Newhouse faculty were in the communications business at some point, so they know what they’re talking about. This is graduate school, so this should go without saying, but if you’re engaged and excited, they will want to help you when you show up at their door. Which brings me to point three.
- Be hungry. You’re here to learn, so take every single opportunity you can to do so. When you’re in class, ask questions. Make the most of your year by attending as many events as you can and be open to learning. There are always events going on in and out of Newhouse. The SU Guides Activities & Involvement Guide is a great way to find out what’s happening across campus.
- Be humble. Yes, you’re at Newhouse, but humility will only take you further. Listen to others and let them talk without interrupting them, and find moments to appreciate or admire something about others. For example, if you’ve noticed a classmate has improved their writing or public speaking skills over the semester, let them know.
You’re in for a great year, Class of 2018. Go Orange!
-Neema Amadala is a graduate student studying advertising