Good Things Must Come To An End
Well, it’s finally over. I had only the slightest idea what to expect when I first started here at Newhouse and now the program is ending. It feels weird looking back on allI’ve done and recognizing how different everything feels.
Of course, there were stressful moments (but that will make you appreciate it all in the end), but truthfully, it was the greatest experience and you will grow so much. If you are coming to Newhouse, then you are obviously coming for a reason–not just because you love the school and you think it is right for you, but because the faculty here think you are right for Newhouse. You will do a great job representing this school.
Here is some advice I can give you: don’t try to excel at everything. You’re not perfect. From day one you’ll be told your work isn’t the best, but that’s alright. By your last day here, you’ll leave with outstanding work and great potential.
Don’t forget to take advantage of not only everything Newhouse has to offer, but what the entire university has as well. There’s so much to do on campus and things going on everyday–from sporting events to club and recreational activities. Take a break from your studies at Newhouse every once in a while, and explore your surroundings on campus or the sites in the city of Syracuse.
Lastly, I realized there’s a fine line in being good at something at truly enjoying it. I made new friends and tried new things. As sad as I am to leave it all, I’m excited for the future and to see what it brings. So, thank you, Newhouse. Thanks for the excitement, adventures and challenges to help me grow into an even better person.