How to Maintain a Social Life While Attending School and Becoming an Adult
When it comes to having a social life, some find it easier than others but I’m sure we can all agree that as you get older, it does become more difficult overall. In between classes, work, sleep and all the other responsibilities one may have to take care of, it’s hard to find time for others when you barely have time for yourself. A day only consists of 24 hours and it seems that we must either sacrifice hours of sleep to accommodate others into our daily lives or just become anti-social and live life alone, but well-rested.
As a graduate student finishing up my last semester at Newhouse, I can undoubtedly say that I’ve had my fair share of trouble when it comes to staying in touch with others. Before I began my graduate degree, I didn’t have trouble communicating with others. At my undergrad, we were like a small college community in a very small town so it wasn’t hard to hang with friends. I lived on campus all four years —which made it even easier to connect— and there was honestly never anything to do anyways, so in our spare time, my friends and I would always hang out. On the other hand, Syracuse University is huge, and the curriculum is pretty intense for me as a graduate student. When I’m not at school or doing school work, I’m working one of my four jobs, and if I’m not doing that, I’m getting some exercise in with my Step Team, Black Reign. Due to all that I have going on, I barely get any rest to begin with, therefore, I’m very reluctant to sacrifice my extra time on other people. With that being said, I had to figure out a way to spend time with others while also getting things done.
One way that I do this is by inviting friends to lunch. I mean, we all have to eat in order to survive, which means we take breaks to satisfy that need. Why not make that time better and more productive by inviting others to enjoy a meal with you? Having lunch with friends is a great way to bond, practice communication, and better your physical/mental health. Not only are you tackling an everyday task but you’re making time for the ones you love and bettering yourself overall as well.
Another way that I hang with friends while “adulting” is by inviting them to the library. We’re all students which means we all either have homework to do, a project to start or an exam to study for. Sometimes, having company makes the actual effort of doing something seem lighter. It also makes you more interactive. I live off campus, so going to the library feels like a hike sometimes. When I know I’ll have someone there with me to be productive and spend the time with, I feel happier to go.
Oftentimes, we think things to be more complex than what they are and communicating is one of them. With communication, you can open doors for others to understand you more and connect on levels you’ve never experienced. Life becomes easier with simple communication and so instead of thinking you’re too busy for others, think of ways to incorporate them into your daily activities and you will find yourself a bit more at ease.