Self-care fulfilled at The Arch
The Arch aka The Barnes Center is a wellness center that truly has it all. The complex is a recreational facility that has every member of the Orange community in mind. Between your extensive academic schedule, internships, jobs, extracurricular activities and mapping out your life post-graduation, the Barnes Center is an outlet to revitalize your soul.
The University’s Academic Strategic Plan’s goal is to “nourish the whole student to support academic, social, and emotional well-being.” Self-care should be incorporated in one’s regimen. Self-care is vital to how we handle life’s stresses. Indulging in self-care regularly replenishes your energy. There are so many factors that require us to show up as our best selves, failure to do things that feed one’s soul could result in fatigue and burn out. The Barnes Center has the tools and options community to find the right self-care actions for you.
Sweat It Out
There are a plethora of workout machines across the 4-level complex for students to choose from. In addition, there’s an array of group fitness classes. Not only do you gain essential endorphins after each class but, it’s a great way of meeting new people. Some of my favorite classes are the Cycle Interval classes and Zumba. My cycle class continues to challenge me physically and mentally. There are some days I wish I just went home but my instructor is welcoming and encouraging. Her soothing voice combined with the Pop music blasting from the speakers, I leave feeling like I could conquer the rest of my week (especially when she transitions to Lizzo). The Cycle Interval class is offered on Mondays and Wednesdays.
If you are interested in more of a one-on-one session with a professional you should inquire about meeting with a personal trainer or nutritionist. This initiative could introduce the correlation between physical health and emotional.
Let’s Get Mental
Studies have shown that graduate students struggle with their mental health at record numbers across the nation. According to a study done by Nature Biotechnology, “graduate students are more than six times as likely to experience depression and anxiety as compared to the general population.” Taking care of your mental health should be a priority especially when you embark in your professional journey at Newhouse. If you’re ever feeling alone or need someone to talk to there are outlets you should take advantage of. Those include:
- Mindspa
- Pet Therapy
- Light Room
- Massage Chairs
- Counseling
- Group counseling
- The choice to customize a counselor who you may better identify with (i.e. gender or race)
The Arch complex is free for students and members of the community are welcomed for a small admission fee. Investing in your physical and mental health is the key to a balanced matriculation at SU!
Check out the Wellness Portal to sign-up for a class or learn about all the activities offered!