Sometimes You Really Need to Get Away from Newhouse
It really helps sometimes when at a place like Newhouse with all its good and greatness to simply if you can, to get away.
Grad school or school in general is hard and there is a reason why vacation time is put into the schedule. However, when in school it may not seem like a reality. In fact, getting your education at a place like Newhouse and wanting to take a break may seem wrong because you are supposed to work hard and just never stop. But that’s not what I gathered in my time there. What I have seen is that the best thing to do to perform at your best and to experience all that Newhouse has to offer with a fresh mind is to sometimes take a break away from Newhouse all together. Now that could mean leaving Syracuse, or it could mean avoiding campus for an entire weekend. Read that however you care to but sometimes it just simply helps to get away.
It does not mean that Newhouse is bad or that Syracuse is bad. It simply means you need a break. Your mind needs a break, your body needs a break. So, give yourself one if you can afford it. And if you cannot leave because you feel like you have more assignments than you do time than figure out your version of a getaway. Yes, another version of self-care but one that is not always talked about. A getaway can clear your mind and while your stories may take you different places so can a getaway. A getaway can provide you with the solutions to a problem, a smile that faded from stress and looking at Newhouse through fresh eyes.
Making the time to getaway is something I wish I had done more often. The good work we do as students preparing for our professional futures is important, but it is also grueling. The grueling work is critical as it builds up your skill set but that does not mean that you will not need a moment to regroup.
So, when you can, if you can, take a break and get away. Newhouse will still be there when you get back.